Đề số 10- Đề thi trắc nghiệm cuối kỳ tiếng Anh-IL0010



Môn : Tiếng Anh

MÃ ĐỀ: IL0005

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Thời gian 90 phút


Sử dụng tài liệu khi làm bài thi : Được ¨   Không x




A/ Grammar and reading comprehension (6 marks) 

Section 1 (0.5 mark) : Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others :

  1. a cruise b.build                         c. bruise                       d. fruit
  2. a tooth b. booth                       c. good                        d. soon
  3. a take b. say                           c. brake                       d. national
  4. a. sad b hate                          c. made                       d.cake
  5. a creation b. librarian                   c. translation               d. examination

Section 2 (0.5 mark) : Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others :

  1. a. maintain b.marine                      c. challenge                 d. device
  2. a. investigate b. information             c. submarine               d.independent
  3. a. organism b.environment             c. temperature             d. satellite
  4. a. carnivore b. entrapment              c. technology               d. Atlantic
  5. a. secret b. ocean                       c. migrate                    d. herbicide

Section 3 (3 marks) : You must choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

  1. Peter was sleeping ……………… class.
  2. in B. into                         C.that                          D.during
  3. We were just talking ………………. it before you arrived.

A.on                            B. about                      C. to                            D.in

  1. Mary will be ……………. When she hears the good news.
  2. happiness B. happily                   C.happy                       D.happiest
  3. He ……………… in the army from 1960 to 1980.

A.had served               B. has served               C. is serving                D.served

  1. Henry was eating a snack ……………….. midnight last night.

A.on                            B.for                            C.at                             D.by

  1. Mr. Brown invented the machine ……………….

A.hisself                      B.itself                        C.himself                    D. Both B and C

  1. His sister is .………… than his wife.
  2. more prettier B. prettier C. very pretty             D. most pretty
  • The gardener is ………….. in the garden.
  1. work B. works                      C. worked                   D. working
  2. There ………….. some bread on the plate.
  3. is B. are C. were                        D. has
  4. Children enjoy ………….. in the river.
  5. swim B. swimming              C. to swim                   D. swims
  6. That boy is better .………… English than I am.
  7. in B. at C. for                           D. with
  8. Mary is studying at Traim Udom .………… present.
  9. in B. in the                      C. at                            D. for
  10. Look at these two beautiful vases. Which do you like .………… ?
  11. most B. better C. more than               D. best
  12. Will you tell me .………… the ticket ?
  13. where to buy B. where do you buy C. at where to buy      D. from where to buy
  14. Would you please ………….. him speak about the new plan ?
  15. let B. allow                      C. ask                          D. tell


Section 4 (1 mark) : Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Choose the correct word in each space.

People kill. Animals kill. Animals and people kill for (26) ………… or they kill their enemies. People and animals can move (27) ………… and find something to kill. They can run away from an enemy. They can kill it if it is  (28) …………Many kinds of animals eat plants. The plants (29) ………… run away from their enemies. Some plants make poison. If an animal eats (30) ………… of the plant, it gets sick or dies. Animals learn to (31) ………… away from these plants. There are many kinds of plants that make poison. Most of them (32) ………… in the desert or in the tropics. Today farmers use many kinds of poison (33) ………… their farms. Most of these poisons come from petroleum, but petroleum is expensive. Scientists (34) ………… poisonous plants and study them. Maybe farmers can use cheap poison from plants (35) ………… expensive poison from petroleum.

  1. A. food                        B. drink                       C. eating                      D. refreshment
  1. up B. around                    C. over              D. along
  2. needed B. so                            C. necessary      D. duty
  3. could B. cannot                     C. should           D. would
  4. body B. any                         C. little              D. part
  5. stay B. stand                       C. live               D. grow
  6. stand B. survive                    C. grow             D. raise
  7. at B. by                           C. beside           D. on
  8. collect B. see                          C. by                 D. receive
  9. for B. instead of                C. in exchange for   D. with

Section 5 (1 mark) : Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each of the questions below it :

The early expansion of the sugar industry was based on cane transported from two different parts of the Orient, first from India and second from the islands of the Southwest Pacific. From India, sugar cane was carried through the western regions of Asia into Arabia and later into the countries bordering on the Mediterranean. It was established in Sicily in about A.D 703 and was carried to Spain in about A.D 755. As early as A.D 1150, Spain had at least 75,000 acres of cane. During this early period sugar cane was grown largely to supply local wants. The Crusades were partly responsible for the further expansion and improvent of the sugar industry and for interesting Europeans in the use of sugar.

  1. From this passage, sugar cane was first grown in ………………
  2. Europe B. the Orient               C. Arabia                    D. Sicily
  3. Sugar cane was first introduced into Spain in ………………
  4. A.D 703          B. A.D 1150                C. A.D 755         D. A.D 1419
  5. In the twelfth century, most cane was grown ………………
  6. for exportation C. for sale in the large market cities
  7. for industrial uses D. for local use
  8. One thing that caused the sugar industry to expand in Europe was ………………
  9. the favorable climate in the Orient
  10. the Crusades
  11. better means of transportation
  12. that came from the different parts of the Orient
  13. Cane was transported ……………….
  14. from islands of the Southwest Pacific, to India, to Asia and then to Spain.
  15. from the islands of the Southwest Pacific, to the western areas of Asia and then to the

countries near the Mediterranean.

  1. from India to the Southwest Pacific, to Asia, into Arabia and then to the countries bordering The Mediterranean
  2. from India to Asia into Arabia and then to the countries on the border of the Mediterranean.

B/ Writing (2 marks) :

    Write a composition from 50 to 80 words on this topic : Your hobbies






Section 1 (1 mark) : Listen and choose the best answer.

1/  What is the main topic of the conversation ?

  1. Problems with living in an apartment.
  2. A search for a new apartment.
  3. The cost of rent near universities.
  4. Matters with learning soft skills.

2/  Why doesn’t Ann like her current apartment ?

  1. It’s too expensive.
  2. The neighborhood is noisy.
  3. It’s located some distance from school.
  4. There are many traffic accidents.

3/ How much money does Ann want to pay for rent ?

  1. No more than $200.
  2. Around $200.
  3. A little more than $200.
  4. No less than $200.

4/ What kind of place is she looking for ?

  1. Somewhere that is within a short driving distance of campus.
  2. An apartment with furniture already in it.
  3. A place where she can live alone.
  4. An office building with a lot of furniture

5/ How is Roger going to help her ?

  1. He is planning to call a friend who owns an apartment building.
  2. He will check the newspapers to see if he can find an apartment for rent.
  3. He is going to visit an apartment building near his place.
  4. He is about to call a partner who owns an office building.

Section 2 (1 mark) : Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information in the spaces for each question

W : Can you help me ?

M : What is it ?

W : When you go to the supermarket, can you get some (6) ……………….. for our dinner ?

M : You’re not going to go with me ?

W : I have some work to finish before 5 p.m.

M : OK, so what do you need ?

W : Some cheese and fish.

M : OK, no (7) ……………….. . I am taking a car, so I can bring back what you need.

W : Oh, and buy more tomatoes, please. We don’t have (8) ……………….. tomatoes left in

the fridge.

M : How many do you need ?

W : 2 kilos.

M : Sure.


A : What’s the matter ?

B : I’m (9) …………………. .

A : Well, you shouldn’t stay up late.

B : I know. But I’ve an exam this afternoon.

A : What’s wrong ?

B : I’m hungry.

A : You should eat something.

B : But there’s (10) …………………. in the fridge.

A: Are you all right ?

B : No, I’m not. I’ve got toothache.

A : Well, you should go to the dentist.

B : Yes, you are right.

A : What’s up ?

B : My back (11) ………………….. .

A : Well, you should go and see the doctor.

B : No, it’s not that bad.

A: What’s the matter ?

B : My eyesight isn’t good.

A : Well, you should go to the optician and get some (12) …………………….

B : Humm, perhaps you’re right.

A: What’s wrong ?

B : I’ve got a stomachache.

A : Well, you shouldn’t eat (13) …………………. much.

B : Yes, I know.

A : What’s up ?

B : I’m cold.

A : You should wear your coat, then.

B : Well, I (14) …………………… we should go inside.

A: Are you all right ?

B : No, I don’t feel well. I think I’ve got a cold.

A : Well, you shouldn’t go out this evening. You should stay in bed.

B : But it’s Sarah’s party this evening. She (15) ………………….. me.


Note: Học viên đăng kí học tại trường hoặc học viên cần lấy link tải đề vui lòng liên hệ thầy/cô đang hỗ trợ để được hướng dẫn làm bài Hoặc gửi email về: phongdaotaoilearning@gmail.com

Chúc các bạn hoàn thành tốt môn học.

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