Đề số 09-Đề kiểm tra giữa kỳ môn tiếng Anh- IL0009

Đề số 09-Đề kiểm tra giữa kỳ môn tiếng Anh- IL0009


MÃ ĐỀ: IL0009

Đề thi dành cho học viên không vào được zoom buổi học. Các bạn lấy đề tại đây đề làm bài

Môn : Tiếng Anh

Thời gian 45 phút 


Sử dụng tài liệu khi làm bài kiểm tra : Được ¨   Không x




A/ Reading (6 marks)

Section 1 (3 marks) : You must choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

  1. I bought three books. Here are two, but where is .………… one ?
  2. other B. the other                 C. another                   D. others
  3. That boy is better .………… English than I am.
  4. in B. at C. for                           D. with
  5. Mary is studying at Traim Udom .………… present.
  6. in B. in the                      C. at                            D. for
  7. Look at these two beautiful vases. Which do you like .………… ?
  8. most B. better C. more than               D. best
  9. Will you tell me .………… the ticket ?
  10. where to buy B. where do you buy C. at where to buy      D. from where to buy
  11. He felt .………… living in that family.
  12. happy B. happily     C. very happily                   D. with happiness
  13. When water freezes, it .…………. into ice.
  14. turns B. has turned               C. would turn              D. is turning
  15. Ask him ………….. tea.
  16. he likes B. if he is liking          C. does he like             D. if he likes
  17. There ………….. some bread on the plate.
  18. is B. are C. were                        D. has
  19. Children enjoy ………….. in the river.
  20. swim B. swimming              C. to swim                   D. swims
  21. Please smoke in the ………….. room.
  22. smoke B. smokes C. smoking                  D. smoked
  23. He prefers this book …………… that one.
  24. into B. to C. than                         D. from
  25. He told me to tell you that he’ll be here ……………. a moment.
  26. in B. at C. on                           D. from
  27. Please remember ……………. this exercise first, John.
  28. to do B. doing C. do                           D. to be doing
  29. They usually ………………. to town on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
  30. were driving B. have driven             C. will drive                D. drive


Section 2 (1 mark) : Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Choose the correct word in each space.

June 14 : The coastal village of Breedon today welcomed home Frank Davies at the end of  his two-year voyage (26) ………… the world. Mr. Davies, who is 75, was born in the village and was a (27) ………… at the school for 50 years. When he returned he (28) ………… his house to buy a boat and see the world. Now he has returned to the village (29) ………… he has so many friends. When asked what he was going to do (30) …………, Frank replied that he wanted to write a book about his travels. He had kept a diary (31) ………… the voyage and and (32) ………… over 600 photographs of the (33) ………… places he had visited. Frank hopes the book will (34) ………… people of all ages to take up the sport of (35) …………

  1. A. around B. through             C. in                            D. along
  2. A. student B. professor C. officer                     D. teacher
  3. A. sold B. managed C. bought              D. owned
  4. A. which B. where C. what                  D. who
  5. A. then B. next C. recently             D. last
  6. A. during B. after C. in                           D. before
  7. A. seen B. taken C. drawn               D. shown
  8. A. exciting B. terrible C. funny                D. usual
  9. A. invite B. offer C. inform               D. encourage
  10. A. sailing B. travelling C. writing              D. photography


Section 3 (2 marks) : Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each of the questions below it :

One day a well-known singer was invited by a rich lady to her house. His name is Corney. He was asked to sing to the guests. But he was not invited to have dinner with them ; dinner was ordered for him downstairs together with the lady’s servants. He had a good dinner and after it he addressed the servants. “ Well, now, my good friends. “he said, “ I want to sing to you. “ The servants were, of course, very glad and so he sang to them. There was no piano, but he sang for half an hour even without it. At ten o’clock the singer was asked to come upstairs to the lady’s guests. Corney went there. All the guests were already waiting for him. “ We are ready, “ said the lady – “ Ready for what ?” asked Corney. “ For your songs, “she answered – “ But I sang only an hour ago and I can’t sing twice in the evening. “ – “ It’s impossible ! Where did you sing ? ” exclaimed the lady. “ I‘m sorry that you were not there, “ said Corney, “ but you know. I always have dinner with the company to which I sing. “And with these words he left the house.

  1. Corney was …………. ?
  2. a rich lady        B. the lady’s guest             C. a famous singer            D. the lady’s servant
  3. The singer had a good dinner with ………….. ?
  4. the rich lady        B. the lady’s guests            C. my good friends                      D. the lady’s servants
  5. The servants were very happy when ……………?
  6. they heard Corney sing                    C. the singer was asked to come upstairs
  7. they sang together        D. Corney had a good dinner
  8. The singer said that …………… ?
  9. he sang for an hour     C. he couldn’t sing in the evening.
  10. he only sang to those he had dinner with. D. he was sorry that he was not there
  11. The word ” company ” used in the story means …………… ?
  12. business firm B. poor servants               C. group of people                      D. lady’s guests

B/ Writing (2 marks) :

    Write a composition from 50 to 80 words on this topic : Talk about yourself



Section 1 (1 mark) : Listen and choose the best answer.

1/  For which day does the man finally make a reservation ?

  1. March 20th .
  2. March 21st
  3. March 22nd.
  4. March 23rd

2/  What kind of room does the man prefer ?

  1. A non-smoking room.
  2. A smoking room.
  3. Either one is okay.
  4. A dining room.

3/  Why doesn’t he want to reserve the suite ?

  1. It doesn’t have a nice view.
  2. It doesn’t come with a sauna bath.
  3. It’s too expensive.
  4. It’s very cheap.

4/  Including tax, how much is the man’s room ?

  1. 80 dollars.
  2. 88 dollars.
  3. 96 dollars.
  4. 104 dollars

5/  How do you spell the man’s name ?

  1. His name is Maxner
  2. His name is Maexner
  3. His name is Mexner
  4. His name is Mauxner


Section 2 (1 mark) : Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information in the spaces for each question

A : What can I do for you ?

B : I need to withdraw some money

A : How much (6) ………………… you like to take out ?

B : I need to withdraw $300.

A : Which account would you like to take the money from ? …


A : Good afternoon. How may I help you today ?

B : Hi. I’d like to (7) …………………. 200 pounds into American money.

A : Can I have your bankcard please ?

B : OK. Here you are.

A : And I’ll need some picture ID as well.

B : Is my passport OK ?

A : That’ll be fine. Thanks.


A : Good afternoon. How may I help you today ?

B : Hi. I’d like to pay my telephone bill.

A : Can I have your bankcard please ?

B : OK. Here you are.

A : And I’ll need some picture ID as well.

B : Is my (8) …………………. license OK ?

A : That’ll be fine. Thanks.


N : Healthcare service. How can I help you ?

P : Yeah. I’m not feeling very well at the moment. I need some help.

N : OK, sure. I need to ask you some (9) ………………. first. Now, what are your

symptoms ?

P : Well …I’m just … I don’t know … I’m not feeling good … just generally.

My stomach is a bit … you know … I’ve got a pain in my stomach.

N : Right. Do you have a temperature ?

P : I don’t (10) ………………. so … but I don’t have a thermometer.

N : Do you have a headache or something like that ?

P : No, not really.

N : Right. Are you taking any medicine at the moment ?

P : No, nothing.


N : Right. And do you have any allergies ?

P : No

N : Have you had any serious illnesses before ?

P : No, I haven’t. Nothing. I am (11) ………………. very healthy.

N : Right. How about your meals ? What do you often eat ?

P : Meals ? Ah, I usually have (12) ………………. at the cafeteria. I have a burger for my lunch … well, a couple … three, in fact. And French fries … a large French fries … and, er … two milkshakes.

N : Yeah. I see …

P : And a large Coke … two large Cokes, in fact.

N : Do you always have this kind of (13) ………………. for lunch ?

P : Yes. The same every day. And this lunch, the same as well.

N : Well, it (14) ………………. like you eat too much. (15) ………………. you think so ?

Note: Học viên đăng kí học tại trường hoặc học viên cần lấy link tải đề vui lòng liên hệ thầy/cô đang hỗ trợ để được hướng dẫn làm bài Hoặc gửi email về: phongdaotaoilearning@gmail.com

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