Thi Cuối Kỳ-Nghiệp vụ giao tiếp văn phòng




   Ngành: Tiếng Anh                                                            Thời gian: 90 phút

 (Trình độ trung cấp  )

Hướng đẫn bổ sung :

·        Học viên tải mẫu giấy làm bài về theo mẫu được cung cấp

(Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm)




Where are you from?

– What do you like about living here?

– Do you spend most of your free time on your own or with friends?

– Do you prefer to be outside or inside when you have free time?

– What is your favourite part of the day?

– Do you enjoy shopping?

– How much do you use the Internet?

– Do you enjoy playing computer games?

– What kind of music do you listen to?

– Do you enjoy watching films?

– Do you think you will use English a lot in the future?

– What other languages would you like to learn?

– What is your favourite pace for a holiday?

– What do you enjoy doing on holiday?

– Are you an active person in your free time?

– When did you last play a sport?

– Which country would you most like to visit?

– Do you prefer going on holiday in a small group or large group?

– What is your favourite time of year?

– Do you think you will always have the same friends?

– Do you enjoy buying presents for people?

– What was the best present you received recently?

– Is your weekday routine different from your weekend routine?

– What do you look forward to at the end of the day?

– How much TV do you watch?

– What kind of programmes do you not enjoy?

– Do you buy magazines or newspapers regularly?

– What sort of films do you prefer to watch? Why?

– Tell us about the last time you went shopping.

– Do you like any magazines?

– Do you use the Internet to find out about the news? Why / Why not?

Do you think your life will change much in the future?

– Do you plan to use your English in the future? How?

– Tell us about the last meal you really enjoy?

– What do you like most about your family?

– How do you prefer to travel?

– Do you have any travel plans for the future? Where are you going?

– What’s the most interesting thing you do in your free time? Why?

– Do you spend a lot of time using a computer? Why / Why not?

– Do you usually take books with you to read on holiday?

– Is there a place in the world you would really like to visit?

– Which is your favourite month of the year?

– Do you like to plan your holidays a long time in advance?

– Do you prefer to exercise with other people or on your own?

– Are any of your friends very good at sports? Which ones?

– Do you have enough free time?

– Do you watch television everyday?

– Is there anything you would really like to study in the future?

– Would you prefer to work inside or outside?

– Do you like listening to the same music as your parents?

– Is there a musical instrument you would really like to play?

– What is the best country in the world?

– What’s the most exciting video game you know?

– What’s the funniest book you have ever read and the funniest movie you have ever seen?

– What is the saddest sight you have seen on television today?

– What is your worst nightmare?

– Can you remember the most wonderful day of your life?

– What’s the most stupid thing you have ever done, and the most stupid thing you have ever said to someone?

– Who is the craziest person you know?

– Do you like having the latest things and knowing the latest news?

– What’s the earliest you could get up in the morning?

– What’s the most disgusting food you have ever eaten?

– When was the happiest period of your life?

– What’s the most difficult thing about studying English?

– Who do you think is the most dangerous person in the world?





(Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm)

        DUYỆT ĐỀ                                                                     GIẢNG VIÊN RA ĐỀ

(Ký và ghi rõ họ tên)                                                                 (Ký và ghi rõ họ tên)




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